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Happy all autumn

Don’t give bladder problems a chance!

Just a little while ago we were still savouring summer, sun, sunshine and what felt like 30ºC in the shade. Meanwhile, however, the days are getting shorter again and the nights longer, and there’s a definite feel of autumn in the air. This sudden change in the weather can sometimes throw our body off balance and put our immune system to the test. And it’s often a particularly challenging time for those with a sensitive bladder.model with CAPS hydro


When autumnal damp and cold arrive, the body wants to protect itself from losing heat, and that leads to changes. The blood vessels in the mucous membranes contract, which means circulation is inhibited. This affects not only the mucous membrane in the nose but, of course, also the groin area. It weakens the immune system, making us more vulnerable to bacteria and illness. In addition, when it’s cold, we tend to drink less, making it even easier for bacteria.


The right clothing is all-important in autumn, especially for people who already have a delicate bladder. When temperatures are low, circulation in the pelvic muscles is also poorer, reducing muscle function. And the bladder muscles can cramp up as well! So make sure that you always wrap up warmly, paying particular attention to feet, legs and the pelvic area. But even with the right clothes, you should still avoid sitting on cold surfaces. That cools the pelvic area unnecessarily, stopping the immune system from working properly – and opening the door to bacteria.

The right diet and certain foods can help you get through the chilly season without any major bladder problems. Peppermint tea, hot chocolate or a glass of hot (plant) milk with honey will warm you from the inside and have a soothing effect on the bladder. Soups – and bean soup in particular – are another one of our secret tips. Because beans are rich in fibre and have an anti-inflammatory effect. And the ultimate tip for avoiding cystitis and the like? Our CAPS hydro. They are an unbeatable combination of hero ingredients that are good for your bladder and urinary tract. The many ingredients include cranberry and hibiscus flower extract. To find out exactly what these ingredients do to support you and your bladder health, take a close look at our blog article: CAPS hydro – so that everything goes smoothly! 

Naturally, you can also get some CAPS hydro straight away, and see for yourself just how good they are. Your bladder will be grateful.

CAPS hydro
Bladder health
90 caps

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